Wednesday, March 5, 2008

First time for everything...

Learning anything new has a degree of frustration. I have just created my first blog - I thought I had created my first entry too and I lost it! If at first you don't succeed ...
Since I profess to believe in lifelong learning and I really enjoy teaching others, experiencing frustration as I explore web 2.0 will be an interesting experience and hopefully will make me more patient with others!
So what will I do with a blog? Maybe it will be useful to communicate with family and friends - and we certainly need to expore possiblities for using blogs on our library website. If young people (and adventurous people of all ages!) use blogs we need to be using them to reach out into the community and communicate with our borrowers. Inside the library we could use a blog for FAQs etc - we just need to familiarise ourselves with the possibilities.
So I am looking forward to extending my knowledge of new ways of using the internet. The old dog can learn new tricks!

1 comment:

pls@slnsw said...

Welcome to the land of blogging! I hope you enjoy it. I too had a few technical hurdles (lost posts / lost photos!) but I found that it's worth it.
Kathleen A